The sacrament of penance, also known as confession or reconciliation, is a vital aspect of our Catholic faith. It is through this sacrament that we receive God's mercy and forgiveness for our sins, allowing us to be reconciled with Him and the Church. Confession provides us with the grace to overcome sin and grow in holiness, helping us to live more fully in accordance with God's will.
At the Cathedral of the Epiphany, we are committed to making the sacrament of penance readily accessible to our parishioners. We are the only parish in the city that offers confessions every day of the week. Please note that scheduled confessions end 15 minutes before Mass is scheduled to start, giving the priest sufficient time to prepare to celebrate Mass. If none of the scheduled times work for you, we encourage you to consider scheduling a confession with one of our priests. We are here to support you in your spiritual journey and ensure that you have every opportunity to experience the healing power of this sacrament.